Image courtesy of Parity/iStock
Although data is the lifeblood of a smart building, simply having access to raw data is not enough to create a building that is optimized for maximum energy and operational efficiency. In fact, it is how the data is tracked and measured that makes all the difference between meaningless piles of data and actionable data intelligence.
As we head into a new year — and new budgets — remember that with access to the right data and reporting, owners, operators and property management teams can make informed decisions on the best approaches to reduce energy waste and costs across the portfolio of buildings they are responsible for.
But this process takes time. The first step, however, is clearly identifying where the biggest and most economical impacts can be made short term, and implementing them. After you stop the bleeding, the picture becomes much clearer on where to focus effort and dollars.
Creating and maintaining a smart and connected building is a marathon, not a sprint; and there really is no finish line. Literally, every step in the right direction counts for years of operational efficiency, optimized HVAC equipment function and maintenance, energy efficiency and GreenHouse Gas (GHG) CO2 reductions. This all adds up to capital investment cost savings, energy cost savings and improved environmental stewardship.
Additional benefits to continuing a building’s smart and connected journey include continuously improving resident comfort, increased asset value, and enhanced property, portfolio and management team prestige.
Starting with a portfolio-level Smart Energy Assessment, you can get your smart building on track for the future.
We know the saying: you can’t manage what you can’t measure. As urban buildings continue to contribute nearly 40% of the greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere each year, and operational costs continue to rise, Smart Energy Assessments, like the one created by building HVAC technology innovator, Parity Inc., are becoming critical tools for smart and sustainable buildings.
An assessment helps you identify the precise amount of energy required to optimize your HVAC system for peak performance for years to come. This is in direct support of the individual sustainability and energy cost reduction initiatives outlined by the Board of Directors of each condominium property in your purview. Even better, Parity’s Smart Energy Assessment is not only immensely insightful, it’s also free.
Having the right smart partner is like having a world-class coach for the long haul.
Just like athletes, world-class buildings don’t get there by themselves. In order to achieve environmental optimization, it requires a diverse team with rich knowledge in different areas. When looking for a Smart Partner, be sure to look for:
- A knowledgeable, committed team of professionals with dedicated technical support
- Human and Machine Learning Smart Platform with energy efficiency alerting
- A partner who’s growing and growing with you, who’s there for the long haul and will be with you for years to come – not just a contract period
When the system and the technology are supported by a great team including technicians, engineers, designers, sales reps, and customer service folks, then the building can function better, delivering the optimal results whether that’s higher cost savings or improved energy efficiency.
So, the next big question is: How do we turn all this data into actionable processes? Of course, the more data we collect, the more we can convert this information into operational improvements. Leveraging the know-how of your smart building team, gaps in your building’s system, often found in your boiler rooms and chillers, can be converted into optimized changes like delivering warmer water when you need it, adjusting your thermostat at night. Ultimately, with the right technology, and the right coaching, your buildings become even more efficient, ultimately driving savings back into your condo corporation.
Brad Pilgrim is CEO of Parity (paritygo.com), the North American software solution driving innovation to transform building automation tech, eliminate energy waste, reduce CO2 emissions, and advance ESG initiatives for real estate owners and operators.