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The zero emission transition with Purolator

The courier company's journey through electrification and sustainability

Purolator's journey towards a greener future is nothing short of inspiring. What makes their story truly compelling is their willingness to share the intricacies of their transformation as featured guests on The 360 On Energy and Carbon podcast. This exclusive episode offers a unique platform for listeners to gain firsthand knowledge from the industry trailblazers themselves. 

Innovative infrastructure: the electric revolution unveiled

Purolator's electrifying journey towards sustainability unfolds in vivid detail in their podcast episode. Explore how state-of-the-art facilities and a fleet of electric vehicles, as highlighted in the episode, are redefining logistics infrastructure. Purolator isn't just about adaptation – it's leading the charge in embracing cutting-edge technology.

Culture of sustainability: lessons from the inside

Sustainability isn't just a corporate buzzword at Purolator – it's ingrained in their culture. The episode offers a rare peek into how sustainability becomes a way of life within the organization. Their insights, shared during the podcast, will shed light on why leadership buy-in is essential for any organization aspiring to go green. Learn how embedding sustainability in core values can inspire and attract employees to make a real change.

Customer-centric solutions: adapting to evolving needs

The company is heavily involved in the community and adapts its services to meet evolving customer demands sustainably. With a rising need for eco-friendly solutions, Purolator offers low-carbon transportation and detailed carbon reporting, as highlighted in the episode.

Get Inspired

Ready to embark on a sustainable logistics adventure? Tune in to our exclusive podcast episode featuring Purolator on "The 360 On Energy and Carbon." Prepare to gain fresh perspectives, learn from industry leaders and discover how to be part of the sustainability revolution.


  • Cindy Bailey, corporate sustainability officer: As Purolator’s corporate sustainability officer, Bailey is responsible for leading the development of Purolator’s environmental sustainability strategy, advancing policies and standards, managing environmental risks and opportunities, and improving Purolator’s performance, disclosures, and reputation related to the environment and climate change. Currently, Bailey is leading the development of Purolator’s emissions reduction goals and roadmap, which includes electrifying 60 per cent of Purolator’s last-mile delivery vehicles by 2030. 
  • Chris Henry, fleet director at Purolator: Henry is a leader in electrification for Canada's leading parcel delivery company as the director of fleet for Purolator Inc. Throughout his career, Henry has been a life long learner and explored roles and business challenges within several industries. He has held cross functional roles in sales, marketing, procurement, change management and continuous improvement. In his current role, Henry will draw upon his 25-plus year career to deliver on Purolator's green house gas emission goals.  
  • David Arkell: president and CEO of 360 Energy
  • John Pooley: vice-president of program development at 360 Energy
  • Lysandra Naom: executive producer of The 360 On Energy and Carbon Podcast

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