Halifax-based green hydrogen and ammonia fuel company EverWind Fuels has announced a $1 billion private investment to acquire three wind farms in Nova Scotia totalling almost 530 megawatts of power.
The investments are expected to power Phase 1 of EverWind’s Point Tupper green hydrogen and ammonia production facility, where the company plans to generate 200,000 tonnes of green ammonia per year starting in 2025, and over a million tonnes annually by 2026 in Phase 2.
EverWind says it will also support Nova Scotia’s clean energy target, according to a release.
The company anticipates it will create approximately 650 construction jobs and 30 full-time positions from the wind farms, which will be built and developed in partnership with Renewable Energy Systems Ltd (RES).
"This investment helps Nova Scotia move more quickly and cost-effectively towards its clean energy transition,” EverWind CEO Trent Vichie said in the announcement. “The power generated at these three new developments will also ensure EverWind's green hydrogen and ammonia will meet the strictest international standards for green fuels, including European RFNBO (renewable fuels of non-biological origin) criteria.
"It is a win for our project, a win for the province and, ultimately, a win for the planet."
About the wind farms
The wind farms consist of the Windy Ridge, Bear Lake and Kmtnuk projects.
According to EverWind’s website, Windy Ridge is to be in the Municipality of Colchester County and represent an approximately $660-million investment. Construction is expected in Q3 2024 to Q3 2025.
The 98-megawatt Kmtnuk Wind Farm and 89-megawatt Bear Lake Wind Farm represent $190 million and $170 million worth of investment, respectively. Kmtnuk Wind Farm is to be built in Colchester County while Bear Lake Wind Farm is expected to be “located close to the intersection of the West Hants, Chester and Halifax Municipalities.”
The Kmtnuk and Bear Lake projects are in partnership with Wind Strength, a Membertou First Nations company.
The developer, RES, is a British company that has constructed 23 gigawatts of wind farms and operates 12 gigawatts of wind.
Peter Clibbon, senior vice-president of development at RES, said in the release, “Both wind projects are well advanced through the Nova Scotia Power interconnection process and are currently undergoing environmental assessment (EA) field investigations to allow for the commencement of a full EA process in fall of 2023."
EverWind plans to add additional solar farms and battery storage to increase its capacity to 650 megawatts. In the release, EverWind says it is purchasing and leasing land adjacent to its Point Tupper facility to place the solar farms and batteries.
It expects to add two gigawatts of wind to power a sister project on the Burin Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The three wind farms will bolster Nova Scotia’s clean energy grid, EverWind said, and support the province’s 2030 renewable energy standard to use renewables for 80 per cent of its power.
About EverWind
EverWind claims to be the first North American green hydrogen producer to have secured the permits for a commercial-scale facility.
Green hydrogen is produced by separating water into hydrogen and oxygen via renewable electricity. The hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel for transportation and industry. The hydrogen can also be used as an ingredient to produce green ammonia, which is a zero-carbon alternative fuel or fertilizer.
EverWind secured off-take agreements with German companies Uniper Global Commodities and E.ON last year.