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Unlocking the potential of propane in the energy transition

As global industries increasingly turn toward cleaner energy solutions, propane is emerging as a key player in the race to reduce carbon emissions.

Tucker Perkins, president and CEO of the Propane Education and Research Council, recently sat down with hosts David Arkell and John Pooley in two podcast episodes to discuss propane’s evolving role in the energy transition.

In these episodes, Tucker outlines how propane, often overlooked in conversations about clean energy, offers an immediate solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developed and underdeveloped regions. However, the episodes go much deeper than just propane’s current applications — they explore the promising future of renewable propane and the innovative technologies transforming this energy source into a more sustainable option.

Episode 1: The role of propane in carbon reduction

In the first episode, Tucker introduces listeners to the untapped potential of propane, explaining its low emissions profile and versatility across industries. Whether it's heating homes, fuelling agricultural equipment, or powering transportation, propane offers a cleaner alternative to more carbon-intensive fuels.

But the real intrigue comes when Tucker delves into renewable propane, a bio-based fuel derived from organic waste materials. Renewable propane not only carries all the benefits of traditional propane but does so with an even smaller carbon footprint. Tucker’s insights reveal how renewable propane could become a cornerstone in the future of sustainable energy.

For those curious about how propane fits into the broader picture of carbon reduction, this episode provides valuable insights into why industries should be paying attention to this adaptable energy source.

Episode 2: Surprising advancements in propane technology

The second episode builds on this discussion by highlighting the technological advancements in propane that are helping to further reduce emissions. Tucker discusses how innovations like high-efficiency engines and clean cooking fuels open new doors for propane to support decarbonization efforts.

But the conversation is open to the challenges. Tucker addresses the common misconceptions about propane and the ongoing efforts to educate consumers and policymakers about its benefits. He stresses the importance of taking immediate action to adopt cleaner energy solutions — especially in regions where renewable infrastructure is still in development.

This episode offers a glimpse into the future of clean energy and propane's potential for reducing global carbon emissions for those interested in learning more about its evolving role in the energy transition.

These two episodes with Tucker Perkins provide an in-depth look at how propane is poised to play a crucial role in the global energy shift. Whether you’re in the energy industry or simply looking to understand more about sustainable fuels, these conversations offer compelling insights into propane’s capabilities and its bright future in the quest for carbon reduction.


  • Tucker Perkins: CEO of the Propane Education and Research Council. Tucker is an energy expert with four decades of experience in the liquid and renewable fuels arena. He is a frequent keynote speaker on energy topics to national and international audiences and a commentator for major media outlets and the Schwab Network. His favourite topic is the future.
  • David Arkell: President and CEO of 360 Energy
  • John Pooley: Vice-president – program development
  • Lysandra Naom: Executive producer of The 360 On Energy and Carbon Podcast

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